Monday 4 July 2011

Mushroom Soup with Risoni

Not exactly an ancestral recipe, this one came straight out of a cookbook. Nonetheless this soup really has become one of my favourites, with its wonderful rich and creamy flavour and the risoni adding a nice element to the consistency of the soup. It really makes a perfect antidote to this miserable weather.

3 garlic cloves (minced)
1 large onion (sliced)
500g of mushrooms (washed and sliced)
6 cups of chicken stock
150g risoni
300ml of cream

Begin by melting a little bit of butter (you can use oil, however I prefer the flavour of butter in this recipe) in a large saucepan, over a low heat. Add your minced garlic and onion and cook this for a couple of minutes until the onion begins to become soft. Add your mushrooms and continue to cook this gently for further 5 or so minutes. When the mushrooms have softened, add your stock and increase the heat until it begins to bubble. Lower the heat and cook the soup at a medium heat for around 10 minutes.
While your soup is bubbling away, boil some water in a medium saucepan and cook the pasta. Once it is cooked, drain it and set aside.
Once your soup has cooked, transfer it to your blender and process until it is a relatively smooth consistency. Pour your soup back into the pan and add your risoni and cream and stir to combine. Hold it over a medium heat for a few more minutes for all ingredients to heat through and combine. VoilĂ . Your delicious mushroom and pasta soup is best served with a swirl of fresh cream and a leaf of parsley to garnish.

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