Monday 4 July 2011

Fight the Frost!

Ask anyone who knows us and has recently and uncomfortably had to visit our home in the last few weeks, and they will probably agree with the fact that my partner Mat and I, and our fat moggy Cici currently reside in the coldest house anywhere outside of Antarctica.
In addition to the increased fanning through cracks between floorboard and wall and insulation which you could easily blow your nose through, our main heater has also, for some time now been out of order.

(Of course this could easily have been remedied as soon as autumn hit, but Mat and I have been so tremendously busy pointing the finger at one another that we simply have not had time to actually claim responsibility and pick up the phone to call a plumber).
Anyway, let us get back to our refrigerator. Now for anyone who has not had the pleasure of a visit, if you are right now picturing a little hut positioned shakily, on a glaciated mountain, at the edge of the world, then yes you are right in your conception and yes I do want you to feel every bit sorry for me!
So, having survived the first week of winter, with an unpleasant thought of more of this weather to come, I have decided to dedicate the following number of posts to something that will inevitably help to curb the chill and thaw the timber and the cement of anyone’s home.
Here I am going to share some of my favourite soup recipes responsible for winning over winter woes. Oh and I promise that these recipes are all so Spartan simple that you will need no more than a handful of ingredients and less than half an hour for each.
Also please note that as a rule, I tend to make large amounts of soup, usually enough to comfortably feed 6 people or put 4 into a coma. All of these recipes reheat well!

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